“A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” - Colin Powell

Reading, watching, listening and reflecting help us to grow mentally, emotionally and psychologically. Here you will find articles and other learning resources featuring topics from all areas of business and personal development. At ActionCOACH NextLEVEL we are dedicated to lifelong learning and sharing our knowledge and experience with our community of incredible growth-minded business leaders.

“Read, watch, listen, learn reflect, grow…”

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” - Dr. Seuss

Latest articles & resources

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How to write a business plan

A business plan is a document that outlines the key aims and goals of the business and how you’re going to achieve these. Outlining the marketing ...

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How to sell my business for a substantial profit

You’ve likely spent your life building your business. You’ve spent countless hours in the evenings and weekends working, missed family time and not ...

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How much does business coaching cost?

The simple answer is 'that depends.' Before we explore the options, it is important to recognise that business coaching should be viewed as an ...

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How to generate more leads

It is the eternal question when it comes to sales excellence. Business leaders are constantly searching for new ways to grow their business by ...

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How to build a high performing team

A high-performance team is a group of highly skilled people who focus on achieving a common business goal. The team strive for excellence and have ...

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How to prepare your business for exit

This is where an exit strategy comes into play. An exit strategy ensures the business your leaving is going to keep on growing in your absence. A ...

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What is business coaching?

Business coaching has many different facets and styles. Whatever the structure or style of your programme, your business coach will guide you through ...

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How to increase personal productivity

When working with local businesses through growth or scale-up; one of the key areas where owners and leaders need the most help is 'How to Maximise ...

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How to create a passive income from my business

Along with selling your business for a substantial profit, earning a passive income from your business is the holy grail that most entrepreneurs are ...

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What are the benefits of hiring a business coach?

Hiring a business coach will change how you think, work, and act. A world-class business coach will help you achieve your goals faster and by ...

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How to master my business finances

Finance and accounting are not the 'dark arts' that many business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs often consider them to be. Rather, they are the ...

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Should I hire a business coach?

Business owners who want to scale their companies, increase their profits and have more personal choice often hire a business coach to help them get ...

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How does business coaching work?

Business Coaching can help owners, leaders, and senior executives to set better goals, reach their goals faster, make better decisions and improve ...

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How to improve sales conversions

So, you’ve devised an excellent lead-generation strategy and got your team working on it. The crucial question is: are your efforts paying off in ...

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Is business coaching right for me?

There's no doubt that a good business coach will help keep you focused and on track to achieving your goals. They will help transform your ...

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6 steps to building a better business

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Virtual coffee

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Real people, real results

See how business leaders just like you have partnered with ActionCOACH NextLEVEL and used our proven tools, systems, and frameworks to achieve dramatic, sustainable personal and business growth.

If you aren't improving or changing the things that are stopping you from achieving your goals then you've got to look at yourself as an investment. - Harvey Sutton, Managing Director of Suttons IFA

Harvey Sutton, Managing Director, Suttons IFA

You're going to see some visceral improvements in your business, there's no doubt or maybe in yourself as well. I added exercise goals to my coaching, something I've never cared about, now I'm sort of cycling regularly and doing gym stuff and this is awesome. It makes you feel really good and that feeds into the business and in your own personal life. - Joe Terrell, Managing Director of Drifted

Joe Terrell, Managing Director, Drifted

Fergus Howie has been working with his ActionCOACH for over 6 years. In that time, they’ve had a 360% increase in their net profit and on top of that become an award-winning business, winning several awards for the quality of their products. With the help of his coach, he’s been able to spend more time working on his personal life developing his own life goals.

Fergus Howie, Business Owner, Wicks Manor Farm

It's been mind-blowing. I can't believe that in the short space of time what my coach has achieved for us and helped us with. We've got a clear vision, we're all working as a team, everything is in place, so it's a win-win really. - Jackie Kerr, Managing Director of Jackie Kerr Recruitment.

Jackie Kerr, Managing Director, Jackie Kerr Recruitment

Since Charles Gulland started working with ActionCOACH, Wigwam Holidays has grown exponentially with turnover increasing from 400k to 1.4m! With a net profit increase from 45k to 100k!

Charles Gulland, Managing Director, Wigwam Holidays

When I go home now I don't have to take my laptop. I actually get to make tea, spend time with the kids and take the dog out for a walk with my partner. She's seen the positive side, I'm not as stressed with the day-to-day stuff or having to order parts at 9 o'clock at night. It's just allowed me to be present at home and be able to focus on the family. - Paul Van Heeswyk Managing Director of Crucial Engineering.

Paul Van Heeswyk, Managing Director, Crucial Engineering

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FREE business scorecard

Understand your current business performance and discover how to increase productivity and effectiveness in your life and business.

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