
“Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” - Golda Meir

The final step of our Six Steps journey is that of Freedom - your personal freedom. You can now choose to sell the business, choose to let the business run without you and receive a passive income or choose to purchase other businesses as an investment. Here you can reap the rewards of your business success as a true entrepreneur. But to do this, you must finish the business. If you ‘need’ to keep going into work rather than ‘choosing’ to, it is not yet finished. Here is where you will do just that.

Owners personal growth, the sky’s the limit

The only reason to start a business is to sell it - or at least to build something that is a saleable entity. Clearly, generating profitable income is important for most businesses, but it’s not about just building a cash flow stream or about building revenues and profits.

It’s about building an asset, a saleable item that is worth something to other people. You will know when your business is truly finished when you are able to sell it and walk away without being tied to it. If you can’t do that it’s not yet finished - and you are not yet free.

The ActionCOACH 4 Stages of Personal Growth:

Finish it

Finish it

Are you able to call the office and say you’re going on vacation for six months, safe in the knowledge the business will have growth in your absence?

Personal choice

Personal choice

What are the things that you have always dreamed of doing but never had the time or resources to explore them?

Wealth creation

Wealth creation

Do you have clearly defined strategies for creating passive income and increasing your net asset value?



How will the world remember you in the future? What benefits will you have brought to your industry, your community, or to society? What will be your footprints in the sand, and will they endure?

So, what does this business look like when it’s finished? How many locations does it operate? How many employees does it have? Does it still ‘need’ you? Can you sell your business to an investor or are you effectively selling a really tough job in a company the buyer will own and can’t escape from? What multiple would you pay for a company in which you have to step into the driving seat? Here you will look at the asset value of your business in multiples of profit. If it’s a true investment, the multiple will be much higher – in line with other opportunities available to potential investors.

Congratulations on becoming a true entrepreneur! You have built a commercial profitable enterprise that works without you, developed an investment portfolio that builds wealth while you sleep, enjoy the experiences that you have always dreamed of and have left a powerful mark on the world through generous philanthropic gestures. This journey has enriched the lives of millions and will continue to do so long after you have gone.

But of course, this all started with your very first step on this exciting journey of personal growth through the ActionCOACH 6 Steps to Building a Better Business. Here you eliminated the chaos and brought stability to your business through

Previous: SYNERGY          It all starts with: BUSINESS MASTERY


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If you aren't improving or changing the things that are stopping you from achieving your goals then you've got to look at yourself as an investment. - Harvey Sutton, Managing Director of Suttons IFA

Harvey Sutton, Managing Director, Suttons IFA

ActionCOACH allowed me to grow the business to a point where a large global company has made an exceptional offer to buy my business, build my dream home overseas and prepare to exit the business. Dave Ayling, Managing Director of Straightpoint.

Dave Ayling, Managing Director, Straightpoint

Since working with Action Coach, Jo Maltby of Willow Brooke Day Nursery has seen gross profits increase from 750K to 1.1M! With the help of tools and strategies from ActionCOACH she has been able to hire 29 new team members and significantly reduce her working hours to prioritise family time.

Jo Maltby, Managing Director, Willow Brooke Day Nursery

We want to be £2M+ business in the next five years. Most Business Owners have that excitement, they have their goal but it's difficult to see it. When you start coaching you get to see it, it starts to become clearer and therefore you believe it's more attainable. We're solicitors, we were never trained to run a business. A business coach is a fantastic asset, it pays for itself, supports itself, brings in much much more than just the coaching to your business. - Bill Barton, Managing Director of Barton Legal.

Bill Barton, Managing Director, Barton Legal

Do I believe coaching is for everybody? I think you've got to put the work in. Your coach will get the best out of you, but you need to put that work in. It's worth it and it pays dividends in every single way. - Ryan Michlig, Managing Director of Right Vape.

Ryan Michlig, Managing Director, Right Vape

I've learned to run a successful business rather than have a job or be an employee of my own business. I actually run the business and that staff members have noticed the difference. - Joanne Ferguson, Managing Director of CS Cleaning.

Joanne Ferguson, Managing Director, CS Cleaning

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